Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Girl's Memory ( C1P2 )

Chapter 1 part 2 - The past

It had been dim and dark whenever her peers uttered the word Love because to Casly , Love meant nothing enormous in her life. Sometimes when she was in school , she felt extremely left out . Not only she was neglected by her peers , she was also considered invisible among her teachers. Her life was drab and dowdy unlike her cousins whose life were as colourful as rainbow, Casly had nothing to confess because she was aware that it was reality.

One morning while she was reading the newspaper , she was touched by one of the articles inside .

Have you experienced the lost of both parents ? Being completely lonely in a world where no one could understand you? Neil Tonm had experienced the most terrifying incident that knocked him off the cliff of opulent lifestyle. He had lost both his parents in a car accident where Tonm had witnessed the whole accident all by himself. Neil's parents James Tonm and Jessy Rennie were the worlds' richest millionaire , their death were such a pity.Ever since that accident , Neil had been even lonelier than other orphan because he had no capable relatives who were willing to take care of him and all that was left for him was wealth . The accident was believed to have started by their driver Genntren Dert , a Philippino. More reports on page 7.

Casly felt sorry for Neil as he was having the same fate as her.


Header image by sabrinaeras @ Flickr